Moral stories The lost Lion

This is the best moral story named as The Lost Lion… “It’s impossible!” said the bear. “The king of the jungle doesn’t simply get lost!” But he has, insisted the fox. “What shoud we do now?” “We must send out the forest folk to look lfor him first” replied the bear. So The animals formed … Read more

Moral stories Grappy’s concert…


 Today we have read one Moral storiy named as Grappy’s concert… Grappy’s concert… “Better let him learn music before he drives us crazy! said Papa, fed up of his son, Grappy, the grasshopper. Grappy had been trying to play the violin and the noise was dreadful. So he was sent off to Miss Cuckoo’s Music … Read more

STORY OF ONE POOR POSTMAN…एक गरीब डाकिया की कहानी 2024

This is the STORY OF ONE POOR POSTMAN…एक गरीब डाकिया की कहानी 2024… STORY OF ONE POOR POSTMAN…   एक गरीब डाकिया की कहानी… STORY OF ONE POOR POSTMAN… पत्नी के अंतिम संस्कार व तेरहवीं के बाद रिटायर्ड पोस्टमैन मनोहर गाँव छोड़कर मुम्बई में अपने पुत्र सुनील के बड़े से मकान में आये हुए हैं। … Read more


This is the story of THE CURIOUS MONKEY…   THE CURIOUS MONKEY…   Dear students… Today we are going to tell you a short story named as ‘THE CURIOUS MONKEY‘ Read it carefully…       One day a carpenter was sawing a large log to divide it into two parts. A monkey sitting in … Read more

THE MOUSE AND THE FULL STORY 2023…एक चूहे और बैल की कहानी…

Dear children…Today I have going to tell you a short story named as “THE MOUSE AND THE FULL…” Read it carefully…  THE MOUSE AND THE FULL…   “THE MOUSE AND THE FULL…“  Onece upon a time, It was a hot day.  A bull was sound asleep under a shady tree. The bull was snoring loudly. This sound … Read more