Earth and Universe definitions…


Scientists invented Earth and Universe definitions…  Earth and Universe definitions Earth and Universe definitions 1. Celestial bodies :-     All the things which we see in the sky shining during night, arecalled celestial bodies.  Earth and Universe 2. Stars:-      All the celestial bodies which have their own heat and light, are called starssun is … Read more

KVS celebrating World Sparrow Day 20th March गौरैया दिवस २०मार्च/विश्व गौरैया दिवस

KVS celebrating sparrow day 20th March/World Sparrow Day… World Sparrow Day 20th March The purpose of celebrating World Sparrow Day on March 20 is to draw people’s attention not only to our beloved sparrows that used to roam in our courtyards and gardens, but also to other endangered species and make them aware of it. KVS … Read more