The Bajirao Peshwa and the Farmer… Moral Stories…

The Bajirao Peshwa
Moral stories 2024

The Bajirao Peshwa and the Farmer…

Today we have going to tell you a short story about The Bajirao peshwa and the Farmer. Read it carefully…

  • Bajirao peshwa was a great commander of the Maratha Army that time. Once he was returning to his capital after fighting many successful battles.
  • On the way he camped with his army in Malva area. His soldiers were very tired and hungry after a long march. They did not have enough food to eat.
  • Bajirao  peshwa called one of his captain and commanded, “Go with a hundred armed soldiers to the countryside. Cut corn from the fields and bring it to the camp for our army.”
  • So the captain wet to the countryside with a hundred armed soldiers. On the way they met a farmer.
  • The captain said to the farmer, ” please take us to the biggest cornfield in this area. “So the farmer took them to a very big cornfield.
  • The captain ordered the soldiers to cut the corn and put it into their bags.
  • The farmer requested the captain, “Sir, please don’t cut any corn this field. I will take you to another field where the crop is ripe and ready.”
  • So the captain and the soldiers went with the farmer to another cornfield which was a few miles away from there. It was a small field.
  • The farmer said, “Sir, please cut from thsi field as much corn as you need and take away from you.”
  • The captain angrily asked the farmer, “Why did you make us ride a long distance for this small field?


  • This field is much smaller than the previous one.”
  • The farmer politely said, “Sir, don’t be angry. That field was not mine. This one is mine and so I have brought you here.”
  • The farmer’s reply cooled down the captain’s anger. He rode back to the Bajirao peshwa without any corn and narrated his experience to him. The Bajirao Peshwa then realised his own mistake. 
  • He went himself to the farmer’s cornfield. He paid the farmer the price of corn in gold and colledted all the corn from the field.

The end…


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