What is the Cause of Bile? 24

Some Home Remedies to Reduce Gallbladder/पित्ताचा त्रास कमी करण्यासाठी काही घरगुती उपाय/What is the cause of bile?

What is the cause of bile?/पित्त होण्याची करणे कोणती?

Improper diet/चुकीचा आहार:-

If you eat oily, pungent, spicy food, red meat, these types of food will definitely cause heartburn due to pitta./तेलकट, तिखट, मसालेदार पदार्थ, लाल मांस, ह्या प्रकारचे अन्नपदार्थ आपण खाल्ले असतील तर हमखास पित्त होऊन छातीत जळजळ होते.

What not to drink/काय पिऊ नये :-

Continuous consumption of tea, coffee, alcohol, nicotine-containing substances i.e. alcohol, cigarettes increases pitta./ चहा, कॉफी, अल्कोहोल, निकोटिन युक्त पदार्थ म्हणजेच दारु, सिगारेट सतत सेवन केल्यास पित्त वाढते.

Heat intolerance / ऊन सहन न होणे :-

If you are working in hot sun and your body cannot tolerate the heat, the pitta in the body starts to increase./जर आपण तीव्र उन्हात काम करत असाल आणि तुमच्या शरीराला ऊन सहन झाले नाही तर शरीरातील पित्त वाढू लागते.

Emotional Stress / भावनिक ताण :-

Pitta (Bile) dosha occurs if there is emotional stress caused by overthinking anything./कोणत्याही गोष्टीचा अति विचार करून भावनिक ताण तणाव आला असेल तर पित्त दोष उद्भवतो.

What is the Cause of Bile? 24

Some Home Remedies to Reduce Gallbladder :-

Amrit Fruit Amla :-

Amla, which is astringent in taste, reduces Kapha and Pitta irritation. Vitamin C in it keeps esophagus, stomach clean. If you are suffering from pitta, you can eat raw amla with a little salt. Amla powder can be taken in warm water. Doing this remedy in the morning for a few days reduces pitta disorders.

Mung beans and rice:-

If you do not feel hungry due to pitta or do not know what to eat due to burning sensation, then take simple varan of mung beans and rice with ghee on it for a few days. Mung bean is choleretic. You can also have plain moong and rice neer dosa. Avoid eating hot and spicy foods.

Warm Ginger and Juicy Lemon:-

Ginger is hot and pungent in our minds but ginger has been used as a choleretic since ancient times. The pungent digestive juice of ginger reduces the increased acidity. The vitamin C in lemon juice keeps the gallbladder healthy.
Take ginger in food. Also grind a piece of ginger and add salt, lemon juice, little sugar and drink this syrup little by little with a spoon.


Amsool or kokum is easily available in some households. It is also rich in Vitamin-C. Pitta is soothed by consuming kokum syrup or amsool.

Cold milk:-

Cold milk reduces inflammation. Drinking a little cold milk with a little sugar reduces pitta. Stops burning in chest and stomach.

Ripe Banana:-

The body gets a lot of potassium from bananas. So if you eat banana, the process of stomach acid production slows down. It also provides dietary fiber which speeds up digestion.

What is the Cause of Bile? 24

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