Correlation Between Painkillers and Heart Attacks 25

Regular use of painkillers increases the risk of heart attack by three percent.

दर्दनिवारक दवाओं के नियमित उपयोग से दिल का दौरा पड़ने का खतरा तीन प्रतिशत बढ़ जाता है।

सातत्याने पेनकिलर घेतल्यामुळे हार्टऍटक येण्याचा धोका तीन टक्‍क्‍यांनी वाढतो.

Today’s youth have no stamina at all. Because when something starts to hurt, these people immediately prefer painkillers. They also get tired of going to the doctor. They prefer painkillers to any ointment for pain. These painkillers make us feel better immediately; This is what makes these pills addictive.

Habituation means that you take these pills repeatedly. In this way these painkillers become habituated gradually and we take these pills every time. However, these pills are dangerous for heart health. Not only heart health but also risk of brain stroke is possible due to this. Because these pills contain chemicals like ibuprofen and diclofenac. These chemicals make the heart beat irregularly. This increases the risk of atrial fibrillation.

In this condition the heart beats so much that the risk of heart attack is more. This painkiller inhibits an enzyme called cyclooxygenase in the body. This increases the blood pressure which increases the irregularity of the beats. Therefore, taking painkillers regularly increases the risk of heart attack by three percent. So stay away from these pills as much as possible. If you want to stay away from your pain, you should follow yoga, meditation, proper diet and regular routine.

Moderate exercise is beneficial throughout life. Excessive exercise can disrupt the heart rhythm and lead to atrial fibrillation. It increases the risk of stroke and can cause weakness or shortness of breath. For these reasons, exercise should be limited, and it is important to realize that excessive exercise may harm the heart’s blood vessels rather than benefit the heart.

Painkillers and Heart Attack

Optimal exercise level :-

Exercise for about 45-50 minutes every day. It should consist of 30% physical exertion. This exercise is expected to make you sweat. According to some reports published in 2015, people who exercise 450 minutes per week have a 39% benefit in terms of long-term life compared to non-exercisers; But people who exercise three hours a day get only 30% of this benefit. That is, it is the same as those who exercise 150 minutes a week. People who have genetic heart disease can develop cardiac diseases such as arhythmias, diastolic dysfunction, etc. if they run long distances. These are disorders that occur in endurance athletes.

Painkillers and Heart Attack

Effects of excessive exercise :-

Mitochondrion is found in most cells and contains chemicals that help in cell metabolism. Mitochondria work harder during exercise and this leads to better health and longevity. Just like medicine, exercise also needs to be taken at the right dose. Excessive exercise also increases the risk of complications and early death. When you overexert yourself, the cardiovascular system is stressed.

It causes abnormal rhythms and can lead to heart failure if prolonged. Microscopic damage is done to the muscles after each exercise schedule and it takes about 24 to 48 hours for the muscles to repair the damage, depending on the intensity of the exercise. According to a recent report published in a sports magazine in Australia, excessive exercise weakens the ligaments and allows harmful toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream. If you have been exercising excessively for a long time, your body’s hormones are also affected.

Cholesterol level increases. It has adverse effects on your body. Similarly, it is important to get at least eight hours of sleep between two exercise schedules. So your body automatically replenishes the wear and tear. Similarly, the diet should be proper. Diet should include fish, skinless chicken, fruits, leafy vegetables, pulses, cereals etc.

If nutritional needs are not met, body wear and tear is not properly replenished. The immune system weakens and you get sick more often. If your body is stressed, you feel irritable, depressed, angry. It also affects your mind. If cholesterol levels are elevated for too long, the body begins to store fat. So if you start exercising with the goal of losing fat, over-exercising can have the opposite effect.

Painkillers and Heart Attack

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