Political And Physical Map of The World 2024

A political map of the world represents the names and location of all the countries of the world.

Political Map of The World

A Political world map depicts the territorial boundaries of all the countries. While some of the boundaries are created by geological features such as mountains and rivers, others are politically demarcated. The map follows the globally accepted standards for national boundaries and gets updated with the latest variations.

Some of the largest independent nations in the world are the Russian Federation, People’s Republic of China, The United States of America, Canada, Australia, India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia and Argentina.

The smallest nations include Vatican city, Monaco, Andorra and Singapore. all these nations can be represented on the political map.

A Mercator projection is one which is most commonly used for school-based maps. A political map is designed to show governmental boundaries of countries and states, the location of some major cities as well as the significant water bodies. Bright colors are used to help viewers locate the borders and countries, which are very hard to distinguish otherwise.

Physical map of the World 2024:-

A physical map of the world is terrain relief image of the world with the boundaries of major countries drawn with white lines. It includes the names of the world’s oceans, major baysn gulfs and seas. Lower elevations are marked with dark green color. There is a gradient from green to dark-brown to grey as the elevation increases. This allows the major mountain ranges and lowlands to be clearly visible.

Physical maps represent landforms, water bodies and other important geographical features such as mountains, deserts and lowlands, as well as lakes, rivers and oceans. Physical maps of the world highlight features like continents, oceans and mountains.

Physical map of the World 2024

The physical map of the world depicts seven major water bodies :-

  1. The Pacific Ocean,
  2. The Atlantic Ocean,
  3. The Indian Ocean,
  4. The Arctic Ocean,
  5. The Mediterranean Sea,
  6. The Caribbean Sea,
  7. The Gulf of Maxico.

The physical map of India is also illustrates the major mountain ranges of the world :-

  1. The Himalayan Mountain Range,
  2. The alps Mountain Range,
  3. The Atlas Mountains Range,
  4. The Andes Mountain range and
  5. The Rockies Mountain Ranges.

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