Grammar series… 
Prepositions (English grammar) for class 4 and above…






ENGLISH GRAMMAR preposition:-

preposition may be defined as a word or gropu of words (eg. at, in, out,, of etc) used before a noun, pronoun, gerund, etc. to show its relation with another word in a sentence.

  • for example:- He was born in 2004.
  • She went out of the room.
  • They came here at 5 p.m.

These prepositions relate to time, place, position, direction, means, etc.

Now we learn about Preposition of Time:-ENGLISH GRAMMAR

At:- At is used to indicate when something happens. We use at with clock times. eg. periods of the year, and periods of the day, festivals etc. But we don’t use at with ‘ morning’, ‘evening’, ‘afternoon’, etc.

  • for example:- The train left at 8 o’clock.
  • She used to go to temple at Dussehra and Diwali.
  • He came here at the weekend.
  • She married at the age of twenty.
  • We rested at noon/dawn/dusk.
  • for example:- She was born in 2007.
  • English literature flourished in the 16th century.
  • The theft took place in the day-time.
  • They visited this place in summer.
  • He called on me in the evening.
  • It all happened in three minuets/hours/days/years. etc. 
  • for example:- He was born on October 5,2012.
  • We went to see a movie on Tuesday.
  • We congratulated him on his birthday. 
  • We gave them a gift on their 25th marriage anniversary.

NOTE :- We use ‘on’ with ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘evening’, etc.  when they are modified: 

  • for example:- People did not come out of their houses on a night like this.
  • We went for fishing on a pleasant morning.
  • They reached here on a hot afternoon
  • for example:- We work during the day and sleep during the night.
  • During the war many people were killed.
  • We try to contact people during October.
  • During the journey I came to respect her.
  • She used to ring up many times during the week.
  • for example:- You must come to me by 8 a.m.
  • He will finish this work by 5 o’clock.
  • By that time, the sun was up.
  • Applications must be recived by 10th April.

By can be used instead of during with almost the same.
for example:- We took rest by day and travelled by night.
By mid afternoon about 5,000 people had visited the exhibition.

In:- In is used to indicate the period of time in which something happens. We use ‘in’ with centuries, years, seasons, months, periods of the day ‘morning’, ‘evening’, ‘afternoon’,etc.

On :- On is used with days, dates, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

During :- During may be used instead of ‘in’ with periods of the day, months, seasons, years, decades and centuries to express the idea that something continues throughout the whole of a specidied period.

By :- By is used to indicate the latest time at which an action will be finished.



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